In order to protect your anonymity and provide a safe platform for you to use Bit Torrent / P2P, we have a dedicated servers which is located in Switzerland & Holland, where the laws around Bit Torrent are very liberal.

To protect your privacy, there is no logging on the P2P servers (as this is not required in Switzerland & Holland).

Please ensure that you use this server for P2P / Bit Torrent

servername =

The OpenVPN config file is available here.


Switzerland is by far the safest country for torrents. According to Swiss law, downloading music and movies (even copyrighted works) 'for personal use'  appears to be completely legal.

'Personal Use' is a bit of a general definition, but generally if you aren't attempt to profit from the download, or distributing it to a large number of people, it's you're likely ok.

But the Swiss will take your online freedom even further...
The monitoring of peer-to-peer downloads by a 3rd party is actually illegal!

According to this article on Torrent Freak, IP addresses are considered personal information (your IP address is the only personally identifying information available in a torrent swarm). Since collecting personal information without consent is illegal under Swiss law, 3rd party monitoring agencies are actually committing a crime if they do so. This effectively kills the 'business strategy' used by a number of 'Copyright Trolls'.

Though there are new laws under consideration that will help rightsholders remove copyrighted material from web servers, the Swiss protected personal freedom to download files for personal use will likely remain legal for the foreseeable future.

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