This guide shows you how to access live streams for boxing and UFC legally, and free using your VanishedVPN subscription.

For boxing & UFC, we recommend the following sites

Matchtv.RU (Russia) (India)

Normally these channels would be blocked if you are not in Russia or India, but you can bypass these blocks by connecting to the respective VPN in each country. Follow the example

1) Sign up for a VanishedVPN subscription if you don't already have one.

2) Connect to our Russia VPN (server name if you're using L2TP, or use the attached Russia config file if you are using OpenVPN)

3) Visit . We recommend using a chrome browser, as you can set it to translate the page .


4) Enjoy the live stream of the fight.

We also recommend for boxing and UFC. Just follow the steps above, but connect to the India VPN ( .